Tuesday, August 10, 2010

7 Months Old!

Well, someone doesn't like to sit still anymore, so that made picture taking a little difficult this month!

Here we go...

Not looking at the camera, so let's try this again...

Someone hadn't played with her foot in about 5 minutes, so she needed a quick fix...

Weeee! Uno mas...

And now we're eating the chair... I give up. :)

Aside from keeping me on my toes, you are up to all kinds of fun things now! You are very interested in what your sister is doing these days, so the two of you are starting to entertain each other! It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy when I hear the two of you cracking each other up. You are also very into grabbing my face and hair, so if you could stop that soon, I would appreciate it. ;)

Here are a few more:

- You have two teeth now!

- You are now in your big girl car seat :(

- You eat every 4 hours (4x/ day)

- You are holding your own bottle, and we're working on your sippy cup

- You are eating solids 3x/day and are still not a huge fan of your veggies

- Puffs are actually making it into your mouth now!

- Your naps are finally getting longer! You usually take a long morning nap and a long afternoon nap (2-ish hours each), and sometimes you sneak in a 3rd power nap before dinner

- We are seeing lots of your "squishy face"

- You are getting up on all 4's... crawling is right around the corner!

- You are starting to reach for us to pick you up

- You are still my happy girl!!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see the Avery chair pictures next to the Anna chair pictures! She is such a cute and happy baby!
