Happy 13 Months!
Somebody was awfully sleepy though and ready for her
Mama to stop taking pictures:
Mama to stop taking pictures:
Oh Mama... enough already.
- Big news!! You are officially a walker now! You took your first steps on Christmas Day, but you waited until the day of your 13 month birthday to really take off! (Ignore the fact that I am posting this a good two weeks late!)
- You are totally off your bottle and have been for a couple of weeks now. It was tough on you to give up your morning bottle, but the rest were no big deal!
- You have a few tricks... "How big is Anna??" and you'll respond with both hands high above your head! "How old is Anna?" and you'll show me one tiny finger (this one is less consistent!)! "Give me five!" - so fun!
- You like to stack things on top of each other (bath cups, tupperware), fill up containers and then dump them out, and you are trying hard to put lids on things too.
- You like to give me a heart attack constantly - every time I turn around, you are standing on top of something...
- You are such a little carnivore! You eat everything very well (tomatoes we have found are not on your list of favorites), but you will always pick out your meat and eat it first...
- You have moved up a new class at school. :( You LOVED Ms. Cherie (and so did Mommy) - we were lucky that you were able to have her for 8 months! You have adjusted well to your new class, and you are transitioning to one nap a day at school. You aren't ready at home just yet, so you are still taking 2, 2-ish hour naps / day.
- You are still in 12-18 month clothes, but you are getting very close to 18-24! Most of your pjs are 18-24 months. I can't believe you are getting so big. :(
Love you!